CJ Turett

  • CJ Turett

For folks who have experienced any kind of sexual violation--including medical experiences that have felt violating--it makes some sense that you might have anxiety or fear about pursuing further care. I don't know that I have The Answer for you when it comes to how to best manage this, but I do...

  • CJ Turett

To answer your question, I find myself wanting to give a little bit of background information and talk about the language I’m going to use, just so we’re all on the same page and you can best understand where I’m coming from! Hopefully you can bear with me for a minute while we talk about that, and...

  • CJ Turett
  • Heather Corinna

From both our personal experiences of our own varied sex lives, and in our work in sexuality with many other people, it seems pretty clear that really letting someone into an internal space in your body, or going into someone else's insides -- which we know might sound a little gross, but that is what's going on with this stuff -- is a fairly big deal for many people. So, what might make sexual entry different from other sexual activities?

  • CJ Turett

Dear Scarleteener, congratulations on being such an active participant in your own health care, and for doing your best to take care of both your physical and emotional well-being. That can be hard to do, particularly when life and school get crazy (as they tend to). I'm hoping that the gynecologist...

  • CJ Turett

Without hormones, our bodies would not be able to function! Hormones are essentially chemical messengers that deliver the memo to cells that they are supposed to change up what they're doing. Not all hormones are sex hormones; there are lots of kinds! Many hormones are produced by our endocrine...

  • CJ Turett

There's a lot I want to say, but I need to get a hugely important piece out there as soon as possible. If you are thinking about self-injury, suicide, or hurting someone else there is immediate help available. I want you to stay safe so we can talk more about what is going on with you, so if you are...

  • CJ Turett

It sounds as if you’re concerned about your performance abilities, and whether your partner is going to get pleasure out of intercourse. From what I’m reading, it also sounds to me like you’re already having “actual sex”—indeed, oral sex, manual sex….it’s sex! And with sex comes the need for good...

  • CJ Turett

Feeling uncomfortable or trapped by one’s own body is a really hard feeling to manage. I’m really glad that even though it was a challenge you were able to put some words to your feelings, and I hope that maybe this response can help you feel a little less isolated in those feelings. The first thing...

  • CJ Turett

Sara continues: ...At first I was reading all sorts of tantra books and preparing myself for wonderful sexual experiences, but then the guys around me started taking advantage of my blossoming sexuality, and my first mostly committed relationship was to a guy who told me years later that he had been...

  • CJ Turett

Bravo to you for loving the way your girlfriend looks and seeing her beauty, both inner and outer! The truth of the matter is that many women are uncomfortable with their bodies and this starts at an amazingly young age. We (of all genders, though women are often targeted) are bombarded with media...