
The core of every healthy relationship, whether it's between platonic friends, sexual, romanic or domestic partners, co-workers or family, is friendship. Here's content on how to nurture and cultivate our friendships in life.

  • Heather Corinna

For most of our global history, people have rarely been free from the judgment of others about their sexual lives. Unfortunately. Mind, we can say the same for pretty near every part of human life and behavior: some people are judgy or sanctimonious about some things sometimes, and some of those...

  • Mo Ranyart

Hi Angelscar, I’m sorry that the girl you’re interested in doesn’t feel the same romantic feelings towards you that you have for her. That’s never easy news to hear, and it's okay and understandable to feel hurt and disappointed when that happens. We can hopefully help you a little in dealing with...

  • Heather Corinna

What I'm not hearing in this is what you want. You tell me he's been touching your body more and more, but you didn't say anything about if that's something you want and have been enjoying. I hear the things he's been saying, but I don't know what you've been communicating to him yourself. The...

  • Heather Corinna

It struck me today that folks might sometimes wonder why, with an organization focused on sexuality, sexual health, and sexual relationships, we spend quite a bit of time talking about friendship. We do it in articles and blogs, and we talk with users often in our direct services about their...

  • Heather Corinna

I'm a little uncomfortable with how you're framing this. I'll do my best to fill you in on why. It's also really tough for me to answer your question given the way it's framed. I'll explain that, too. When someone suggests they want sex with someone, and seems to be suggesting that sex would EVER be...

  • Johanna Schorn

morphobutterfly's question continued: I've finally found myself in a place where I feel a lot more comfortable with myself, men & sex, & I felt ready to sleep with someone. I didn't have any love & rose-petal fantasies in mind; on the contrary, I felt that I wanted to do it without the drama of any...

  • Heather Corinna

If I had an award to give each day for great awareness and forward-thinking about potential partners and relationships, you'd get it today, hands-down. Actually, you should just take it for this whole month. Seriously, this is really sage thinking on your part, and so valid per both of your best...

  • Lena

Anna, I'm sorry to hear that you're in this tough situation right now. You really like having your friend as just a friend and want to keep it that way whereas she would prefer a more sexual relationship. You don't want to hurt her feelings but you also don't want to keep having sex! While we...

  • Heather Corinna

(Andi's question continued) I've googled the internet for explanations. I guess I'm trying to prove to him and myself that this is just a phase he's going through. I really want to believe he is actually not gay, just curious about different sexual orientations. Can I be right, because he never had...

  • CJ Turett

Anonymous' question continued At the moment, I didn't think much about how it will affect us. I just let him and he did it for a very long time. It was almost about a full half-hour when I came. He swallowed and everything. And then it hits me that my BEST FRIEND just gave me a blowjob. He went to...