mental health

  • Sam Wall

You've asked a lot of big questions here, which means I have some big answers for you. This is going to take a minute, so you may want to find somewhere comfy to settle in while you read. Before we get into anything else, I want to say that if you're regularly self-harming, or fear that you might...

  • Sam Wall

I chose this question because so many of us are in this crummy, leaking, barely steerable boat right now. Three things in particular jumped out at me about your question, because I'm seeing them in other Scarleteen users, my social media channels, and my friend circles: loneliness, lack of purpose...

  • Sam Wall

The current pandemic is stressful all on its own. But for many of us -- very much including young people who aren't living independently -- the stress of the situation is amplified by some of the realities of social distancing. It cuts some of us off from our support networks, from friends, from...

  • Mary Maxfield Brave

Some tips and a lot of support for thinking through how you might best care for yourself in this new era of social distance.

  • s.e. smith

Sex and sexuality can be tough to navigate no matter what, but it can be more challenging when your brain's wiring is different from that of your partners. It's important to establish from the outset that there's nothing "wrong" with you if you have mental illness, autism, or any number of other developmental, intellectual, or cognitive disabilities. You are who you are, and who you are is great! But it can make things a little snarly sometimes if you miss cues, get overwhelmed by your anxiety, or encounter people who think you're vulnerable and want to take advantage of you.

  • Mo Ranyart

First off, I'm sorry to hear about your sexual assault. If it helps to hear this, having a strong fear of pregnancy after a sexual assault isn't unusual, especially when someone is feeling shame over it or worrying that they caused or deserved it in some way. Pregnancy can feel like an inevitable...

  • s.e. smith
  • Sam Wall

We’ve assembled a guide with some common issues that come up, and how to deal with them, in very broad terms. If you’re having difficulties, know that there are people out there who are ready and willing to help you, and often they’re a quick Google search away: if you’re struggling, you’re not alone, and you should reach out.

  • Mo Ranyart

First off, I want to talk about the idea of being "damaged goods." I know this is a very common way to refer to people who have mental health struggles, or a history of trauma, but I encourage you to think about yourself, and other people who may be having similar concerns in their own lives, in a...

  • Sam Wall

soclara continues Because I lost all this weight without any form of exercise outside of basic walking when necessary or working, my body is legitimately disgusting. It's flabby, loose, my breasts are like half empty sacks, my thighs are humongous blobs of fat and cellulite (not exaggerating, not...

  • Sam Wall

Izzybelle's question continued: A few years ago, I met a guy and we became really close friends. After a year, we stopped being friends because I felt (my parents also felt this way) that he didn't care about me; he never texted me (literally never) and he never wanted to hang out, but I was blind...