
  • s.e. smith

Experiencing a little gender confusion? We know the feeling. In Trans Summer School, we'll give you the big scoop about trans and otherwise gender nonconforming people, and answer your questions about the wide world of gender.

  • Mo Ranyart

Gender identity can be complicated, and often people who are questioning aren't comfortable in that space - but it's a totally valid place to be.

  • Sam Wall

Many trans or gender non-conforming youth come to us looking for support they're having difficulty finding, or don't feel safe looking for elsewhere. We know from talking with these users that one of the biggest factors in their overall well-being -- and how hard or easy all of this is on them -- is how supported and safe they feel in their identities when around their families. This piece is created with an eye towards how can you support them while dealing with any emotions you might have.

  • Heather Corinna

What our identity is in terms of our gender isn't about what someone else decides or presumes--it's up to us to reflect on our experiences and feelings about who are are on the inside, and to label that (or choose not to label it) in whatever way feels true to us as individuals. What feels right and...

  • Heather Corinna

It’s typically assumed that sex and gender are the same. They’re not. What's gender all about, then? What is the range of gender and gender identity, and how does gender impact our lives and how we live them?