
A little penis inside my vagina?


It feels as if there is a tiny penis inside of my vagina. When I took my first trip to the gyno, she didn't say anything was weird... so what is it?

Most likely, it's just your cervix⁠ .

The cervix is the end of your uterus⁠ , or the beginning, depending on how you look at it, and the cervix and cervical canal jut into the back of the vagina⁠ . When you're not highly aroused ( arousal⁠ usually will pull the cervix further back), you can usually feel it by placing your finger inside, and given that it is a bit tubular, and also has a small opening on the end, it's easy to see why you might think it resembles a penis⁠ .

Next time you're at the gynecologist⁠ , you can even ask him or her to take out⁠ a mirror when they're doing your speculum exam so you can get a look at it: it's a pretty cool thing to do, and will likely clear things up for you.

For more on your sexual⁠ anatomy⁠ , have a look here: Innies and Outies: The Vagina, Clitoris, Uterus, and More.

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